Spoiler alert! What should we expect from Exhale?
Exhale continues where Breathe left off - Dani is in hiding. The suspense level in Exhale becomes greater, there is much more action in...
You mention the Mossad in your book. How much of that is fiction?
I honestly don’t know. Even though I could have found people to interview, I made a conscious decision not to. I wanted the book to be...
Spoiler alert: In your book there are people that look alike. Is there any intention behind that sub
As I’ve mentioned, when I started writing, I didn’t know what the story was going to be about, and for sure didn’t know what was going to...
What do you and Dani have in common? You said that there is a lot of Dani in you and that someone ev
There is much of Dani in me, but there is also a lot that isn’t. Many things about her biography happened to me. We were both born in...
Is there a Troy Morel out there that inspired your story?
If there is, then like Troy, he’s very protective of his privacy, and I will not be the person who jeopardizes that!
What are you currently working on?
I have finished writing Exhale, the second book of Dani's story, and while editing it, I am also working on the third installment that is...
What is your writing process?
As I wrote in the 'Backstory' - I never planned on writing a book - the scenes came to me in flashes in my mind as if I was watching a...